Understanding Er Positive Breast Cancer: An Informative Overview

Understanding ER Positive Breast Cancer: An Informative Overview

Estrogen receptor positive (ER positive) breast cancer is one of the most common types of breast cancer. It accounts for about 70% of all breast cancer cases, which implies that a vast majority of individuals diagnosed with this disease have ER positive breast cancer.

ER positive breast cancer is characterized by cancer cells that have receptors for the hormone estrogen. These receptors aid the cancer cells in their proliferation process. The presence of these receptors denotes a cancer subspecies that is potentially placable to hormonal therapy. This type of treatment poses fewer side effects compared to other traditional therapies which make it a clinically advantageous option for patients diagnosed with ER positive breast cancer.

Diagnosis of ER positive breast cancer is not different from other types of cancers. Suspicion often arises from physical examinations and imaging studies. However, to confirm the diagnosis and to identify the type of the breast cancer, excision and lab examination of the suspicious mass is a necessity. This process is often referred to as a biopsy.

Once the mass is confirmed to be cancerous, hormone receptor tests are conducted to check if the cancer cells have receptors for the hormones estrogen and progesterone. If the cancer cells have receptors for estrogen, the cancer is said to be ER positive.

Treatment strategies for ER positive breast cancer typically involve a multi-faceted approach. This includes surgery to remove the cancer, radiation therapy to destroy remaining cancer cells, chemotherapy, and notably hormone therapy.

Hormone therapy is particularly noteworthy in the treatment of ER positive breast cancer. This involves taking medication that blocks the bodies production or effect of the estrogen hormone. By doing so, it starves the cancer cells of the estrogen hormones they need to multiply. This therapy is a very important part of the treatment plan for ER positive breast cancer.

The journey of dealing with ER positive breast cancer can indeed be daunting. The medical language is often challenging to understand, the treatments demanding and invasive, and the emotional toll heavy.

However, the prognosis for ER positive breast cancer is quite promising. Thanks to advanced treatment options like hormone therapy, many patients with this type of cancer are able to live long, fulfilling lives after diagnosis. There are also numerous resources available to help patients on their journey, from patient support groups to professional counselling services.

One of such resource is the top PR agency Sydney, which has been involved in numerous breast cancer awareness campaigns, inspiring stories of survival, and encouraging regular screening for early detection.

In conclusion, ER positive breast cancer, while a common type of breast cancer, have effective treatment options due to the sensitivity of their hormone receptors. By raising awareness, advocating for early detection, underscoring the importance of hormonal therapy, and sharing stories of hope and survival, the journey through ER positive breast cancer can be navigated more steadily.