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Sword Care and Maintenance
James CroweBlades, whether they’re Stainless or High Carbon Steel, have two main enemies. Moisture and human oils, and need to be protected from both.
Moisture; This is the culprit that will rust your sword. More susceptible is your carbon swords, but contrary to common belief, your stainless swords are not immune.
Swords should never be stored for long periods of time in their sheath. Moisture can build up and be trapped in a sheath, especially if stored in a damp place. If a sword must be stored in a sheath for a prolonged period of time it must be oiled. Don’t be stingy with that oil either, load it up or you just might have an unpleasant surprise the next time you draw that sword. Remember, it wipes off. We suggest gun oil for this purpose, which can be purchased in many sporting goods stores, hunting supply stores, and of corse, gun shops. If possible it should be stored in a cool dry place as well. Even with these precautions, check on your sword regularly.
When displaying your sword, keep a light coat of oil on your carbon swords to protect them and do not display in a damp area. Stainless swords are much lower maintenance and only require that you clean them periodically, and that you wipe them off with a soft cloth now and then.
Human Oils; This nasty stuff that is Oh so important for our skin, is acid for your blade. I can not stress this enough…Do not touch the blade with your skin! Hands, fingers, toes, mouth, butt, and/or any other part of your body! It will etch the blade! I know…we all want to touch the blade…that hidden worrier in us all wants that connection…but fight him!
Carbon Swords; That thin layer of oil you have on the sword will help protect it from the human oils, but it is not a force field. If you touch the blade…OK…when you touch the blade…and after your friends touch the blade. Wipe the blade down thoroughly and then clean it and re-oil it. Don’t wait to long to do it either…no room for procrastinating here…Carbon sword etch quickly!
Stainless Steel Swords; Yes, these are susceptible too. Although it will take a much longer time for the human oils to etch the blade, they still will. Again After everyone has gotten touching the blade out of there system, wipe it down and clean it.
What is etching? Picture your finger print permanently engraved on the blade. Because that is what will happen.
Cleaning; Any metal or brass cleaner that you can purchase in a hardware store will do fine. Simply follow the directions for the product that you purchase.
James Crowe is the owner of
, and has been dealing with
and collectibles for many years.
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